Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Social Browser

There's a lot of buzz on the Internet about social media.   Facebook and Google+ are the two dominant players.  In addition to the social media war, there is the ongoing battle of the web browsers. Well, whether you like Facebook, Google+, Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc., there is a new player on the scene that adds a nice touch to social media and web browsing.

Many have found it awkward to switch between the windows where they are surfing the Internet and the window where their social media platform is running in.  Well, a breakthrough moment has taken place that can make life a little easier to browse and interact socially simultaneously. I'm talking about a new "social browser" by the name of RockMelt (www.RockMelt.com).  The Internet has always been a place of constant change.  Therefore, take a ride on the new "social browser" for yourself and decide if this is an experience you prefer.

Written by Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Founder & President
Marketplace Dynamics, LLC

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