Thursday, December 29, 2011

Marketplace Dynamics Does Not Support SOPA

On December 29, 2011, mega hosting company, Go Daddy, decided to lend its support to SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) in spite of the fact that other large Internet firms like Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, eBay and many others have not been in support of SOPA because the current language is too broad and general and will lead to widespread shutdown of many Internet websites.

At Marketplace Dynamics we believe in progress, but not at the expense of others. The current language of SOPA, which is being presented to Congress to be voted on, will let movie studios, record labels and many others seek court orders against websites they "think" practice piracy or aid it.  In practice, SOPA will allow the shut down any website based solely on that fact that someone thinks piracy is taking place. While the accusations are being researched to determine if piracy is indeed taking place, the website in question can be shut down. This is the equivalent to "guilty until proven innocent." In America, our entire legal system is built on the principle of "innocent until proven guilty."

At Marketplace Dynamics, we believe SOPA in its current wording is bad for Internet innovation and growth, and we do not support it. We join the major Internet firms in the fight against Internet piracy, but there must be consensus among the Internet community on the wording and intent of the legislation.

For an exhaustive summary of SOPA, visit Wikipedia at: Wikipedia on SOPA 

Written by Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Founder & President
Marketplace Dynamics, LLC

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