Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook's F8 2011 Developers Conference

Facebook's annual developers conference (F8) is taking place today and it is chock full of new innovations that will be made available to the public at large immediately. Marc Zuckerberg said the beta period starts immediately.

Facebook has reengineered the profile page into what they are now calling "Timeline". Timeline allows you to create your own life-story timeline. It resolves the problem of activity and experiences on our current profile page that falls off at the bottom of the page, but is still very important in telling our story. Timeline allows you to capture all that activity and present it in chronological order with as much or as little detail as you would like to present. The comparison was made to scrapbooking but on a digital platform. I really like Timeline and I think it will definitely revolutionize social networking. At first, FB users will balk and complain, but as the newness settles in, I think the experience will be a good one.

The other major announcement was the new class of social applications (App's) that can now be developed as a result of changes to Facebook's Open Graph. These changes will allow developers to create app's that will integrate with the user’s social experience on Facebook. If a user downloads a music app, and proceeds to listen to their favorite band, others that are part of the user’s network will be able to see what band the user is listening to and listen to the same musical experience in real time. The dynamics that this creates is that you will start to discover other individuals who have similar musical taste, but even better, you will now have the opportunity to experience different musical genres that will open you up to new musical experiences. These app's will be available for music, movies, TV, and news immediately. These app's will be driven by "pattern aggregation" and as a result will reveal and share a lot of similarities among users. Each user will be in total control of what they share and who they share it with.

Facebook feels that as a society we are at the crossroad of technology and social problems. Timeline and Open Graph applications will definitely take our complete social networking experience to another level. A lot of what was discovered was attributed to "the spirit of accidents." These are innovations that are birthed as a result of stumbling into something and pursuing it until it reveals itself fully.

If you want to experience F8 for yourself, click on the following link and you will be able to stream it:

Written by Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Founder & President
Marketplace Dynamics, LLC

CPM Strategy - Create | Promote | Manage

Marketplace Dynamics' strategy for creating a successful and profitable presence on the Internet is very simple. Our goal is to simplify the process and deliver measurable results to our clients.
We do this in 3 steps that we like to call CPM (Create | Promote | Manage)
(MD’s Design Team)

Flash Website
Flash is a powerful tool that opens up the doors of creativity, and provides you with a world of options that just aren't possible with HTML websites alone.  Websites designed using Flash are more visually intriguing and memorable than sites designed totally in HTML.  It’s much easier to incorporate animation and videos in a Flash website.  Having Flash dynamic web page elements allows you to entertain and dazzle your visitors with interactive features, 3D graphics, animated visual effects, high quality images, 3D-style buttons, social media icons, and glossy photo galleries. Also, Flash enables video to play directly from your site, no plug-ins are necessary.

Traditionally, a challenge with Flash was that it was hard for search engines like Google to index.  But MD’s Flash websites are search engine friendly, so traffic can be directed to your site from search engines with no problem.

Storage: Increased storage space will enable you to upload large files and high-resolution content with ease.  Storage on MD’s Flash websites range from 1GB to 2.5GB.

Bandwidth: Increased bandwidth allows more data to be transmitted at a faster and smoother speed. Bandwidth on MD’s Flash websites ranges from 1GB to unlimited.


eCommerce Websites (On-line store)
Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over the Internet.  The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage.  Cyber Monday of 2010 (the Monday after Thanksgiving), for the first time, resulted in over 1 billion dollars in online Internet sales for that one day. MD can turn any Flash website into an eCommerce store to sell your products or services online.

Copywriting (Content for sites)
Copywriting is the skillfull use of words to promote a person, business, service, product, opinion or idea. MD provides professional copywriting services for all digital and print content you may need. 

Facebook Presence
Facebook is an external social networking (ESN) website.  Users can add friends and send them messages, have live chat sessions online, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves.  Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or college.  Users can also upload pictures, videos, and notes.

The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard University students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area.  It later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over.  Facebook currently has more than 750 million active users worldwide.

 Twitter Presence
Twitter is an external social networking (ESN) and microblogging (a form of blogging) service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets.  Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers.  Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access.  Since late 2009, users can follow lists of authors instead of following individual authors.  All users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications.

Since its creation in 2006, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide.  It is sometimes described as "SMS of the Internet.”  Twitter is currently registering 1.6 Billion search queries per day.  The 140-character limit on message length was initially set for compatibility with SMS messaging (text messaging), and has brought to the web the kind of shorthand notation and slang commonly used in SMS messages.  Twitter currently has more than 200 million users.

Social Media Integration
Social Media has taken the world by storm because consumers have embraced sites like Facebook and Twitter.  MD will integrate your Facebook and Twitter presence directly into your Flash Website.  This way, transitioning from one service to the other will be seamless.  If you do not have a Facebook or Twitter presence for your business/organization, MD can create one for you.

Mobile Applications (Smartphones)
The mobile site is a custom-created website that features your business and is designed using proven landing page optimization techniques to help potential customers get the information and assurance they need to become actual customers.  We handle everything so you can get back to running a successful business.

Banner Advertising
Promoting your business on popular websites like CNN, Google, Facebook, NBC, etc., will get you a lot of exposure.  The right image with a powerful message/offer will drive traffic back to your website.  MD’s team of designers will work with you to create a powerful custom banner ad that will result in more sales for your business.

Domain Names (Website names)
A domain name is very powerful because It becomes the Internet address for your business.  With many popular names already taken, it has become very tedious to come up with just the right name that will be catchy enough for customers to remember.  A powerful but simple name is one that customers will remember because it’s closely tied to your business and is not too long to type when looking for the site. An example of a domain name that MD came up with for a client that sells suits and rents tuxedos is:


Video Production
Adding videos to your website is a tremendous way to share information with site visitors while entertaining them at the same time.  Allow MD’s video production team to produce a compelling custom video for your website.  The Internet generation is used to watching videos to learn more about a subject matter they are researching.  Instead of overwhelming them with a lot of text, why not add a short video?  In addition to custom made videos, MD can also embed YouTube videos on your website.

A blog (a blend of the term web log is a type of website or part of a website.  Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.  Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.  Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs; and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries.  A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.  The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.

Another key attribute of blogs is their current content is a key ingredient to having your website discovered on the Internet when consumers do searches on Google, Bing, etc.  Let MD show you the power of blogs.  We will even ghost write for you so you get the benefits of having a blog without the time it takes to manage one.

Private Social Network Sites
Internal Social Networking (INS) services allow users to create a profile for themselves, and can be broken down into two broad categories: internal social networking (ISN), and external social networking (ESN) sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.  Both types can increase the feeling of community among people.  An ISN is a closed/private community that consists of a group of people within a company, association, society, education provider and organization, or even an "invite only" group created by a user in an ESN.  An ESN is open/public and available to all web users to communicate, and is designed to attract advertisers.  ESNs can be smaller specialized communities (linked by a single common interest, i.e.,, ACountryLife.Com, Great Cooks Community) or they can be large generic social networking sites (e.g., MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Whether specialized or generic there is commonality across the general approach of social networking sites.  Users can upload pictures of themselves; create their “profiles,” and can often be "friends" with other users.  Some social networks have additional features such as the ability to create groups that share common interests or affiliations; the capacity to upload or stream live videos; and, avenues to hold discussions in forums.

Communication Hub
This is a service MD provides that allows for better communication among staff members.  Our communication hubs are the equivalent of having your very own private Facebook site.  MD currently uses its communication hub product to run our Virtual Office (VO).  Our VO is where we collaborate, chat, video conference, vote electronically, chat, manage company files, and maintain a company calendar, etc. 

Logo Design
Our Design Team members are experts in creating one-of-a-kind logos for businesses/organizations. They will listen to what you have to say about what the logo needs to convey, then they meet afterwards to collaborate on creating the best logo for you. MD’s logos will grab your attention and convey total professionalism.  Talk to MD about creating a logo for you.

Website Banner Design
When it comes to website banners, MD is known for custom designed website banners.  We take this task very seriously because the banner is the first thing a visitor to your site sees.  First impressions are lasting ones.  MD can provide stock banners or custom banners.  The choice is yours.

Business Cards/Brochures/Letterhead
Let MD provide you with a total business identity kit for your business or organization.  This kit can include all printed products that will be used to strengthen your brand and create a professional image.
Direct Mail Postcard Design
Direct mail (mailing of post cards or other mailers) is used by many successful businesses and organizations to communicate with targeted consumers in their marketplace. The success of any direct mail campaign rests on the message in the mail piece and the images that are chosen to enhance the message.  MD’s team of designers can help you create a direct mail campaign that will get you results.
Print Advertising
Signage is very important when it comes to communicating with your customers.  If you own a store, you need to have signs that let customers know what services you offer.  These signs can be in the store or outside the store in the form of flags and other printed promotional aides.  Talk to an MD representative about how to use print advertising to enhance your brand.

Company Email Address
A professional image is what you want to represent at all times when it comes to your business or organization.  Email addresses are one area that many businesses and organizations forget about.  You spend a lot of time and energy making sure your brand is professioanal, but then use a common email hosting company like Yahoo.  An example of this is:  When you use these free email services you are promoting their business and not yours.  Every one of your business cards will have the name Yahoo on it and not the name of your business.  A professional email address should look like this:


(MD’s Marketing Team)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Online marketing is about a lot more than bringing traffic to a website— that’s where we come in. Whether you sell products online or want to bring people into your store, MD has the expertise to bring you more customers.

Search Engine Marketing puts your business in front of searchers who are willing to pay for what you offer.  Without this specialized marketing, businesses generally show up only in search results when someone searches for their business name.  That’s great if people already know who you are and what you sell, but that’s not enough for most businesses.
Our Search Engine Marketing puts your business in front of searchers who are looking for what you have.  Here are some stats:

·        97% of consumers research online before purchase
    ·        92% of potential clients contact the business immediately after searching online
    ·        Our Online marketing offers the highest return on investment

How do we snag these potential customers?  We customize your campaign based on how people search for your product or service.  Then, we put your business right under their noses.  Paying customers will be just a click away.
There are three sections where your business can be listed on search results’ pages and we cover them all.  The more coverage on the search results, the more customers for you.
    ·        Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    ·        Maps Optimization

We blend the strongest online marketing tools, making the perfect concoction for your business. Anyone can get traffic to a website, but we get customers in your door.
Local Internet Marketing
Now more than ever, people are turning to the Internet for the things they want to buy locally. In fact, 31% of consumers turn to a search engine first when they’re on the hunt for local products and services.  And, 43% of Internet searches today include a local identifier, indicating that people would rather type a few keywords into a search engine than go shuffling through the phone book.
Recent studies have shown that 86% of consumers who use Internet search engines to find a local product or service follow up with a phone call or in-store visit.  And, 61% of those end up making their purchase offline.  As a small business owner, that means you can no longer afford to take your chances with mailers or phone book ads that may or may not be working.
With MD, local Internet marketing is a breeze!  Our team of local-search experts will help you create an effective online marketing campaign to target your local customers.  And, local Internet marketing gives you ROI and tracking information that you can only dream of with mailers and phone book ads.
Take the first step in building your own customized local Internet marketing campaign today!  Contact an MD representative now.

National Internet Marketing
Pay per click is the fastest way to bring ready-to-buy customers to your website.  MD pays to place your ads high on the results’ pages of all the major search engines.  PPC advertising is effective because it matches searchers who are looking for what you sell with pages on your website that are prepared to pitch your products or services.  You could see dramatic results in as little as one week for a fraction of what it costs to place ads in traditional media like radio or television.

Here’s how it works:
     ·        MD develops a list of keywords representing the products or services you sell.

·        Our team writes targeted ads matching those keywords and uploads the ads, keyword lists, and bid prices to the major search engines.
     ·      Your ads appear in the sponsored links sections when a potential customer performs a
           search using those keywords.

·        Searchers click on your ads and are directed to the most relevant page of your website, where you can captivate them with a great offer and turn them into a paying customer.
Presto! Just like that, MD transforms your website into a powerful sales tool.
PPC has the best tracking capability of any form of marketing today. With our integrated reporting system, you can see information for all the major search engine PPC programs, track where your visitors are coming from, what they do once they get to your site, and which visits convert into actual sales. Of course, we turn around and do the most responsible thing we can with the data – make your pay per click campaign even more efficient.
PPC is a simple idea, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to execute. A successful campaign requires constant keyword management, keyword selection, ad placement and scheduling, bid management, and more. So leave the pay per click management to MD. We take the guesswork out of PPC so you can focus on what really matters—running your business. Whether you’re a local retailer or a national advertiser, we’ll create and implement a successful PPC campaign for your business. It won’t be long before the customers are knocking at your door.

Email Marketing
There are several tools available to create Email marketing campaigns. These campaigns can be very effective but many of our clients have told us that the time commitment is too much for them to handle on their own. This is why MD offers a service to set up and run your email marketing campaign for you. This way you reap the benefit of this effective marketing tool without having to invest your time…the best of both worlds. Let MD create your targeted Email campaign utilizing tools like newsletters, surveys, sales offers, etc.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO provides the highest long-term return on investment of all online marketing methods. Search engine ranking algorithms place sites that contain the most relevant, trustworthy information at the top of the search results page, where everyone looks first. MD’s Search Engine Optimization services help major search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing understand that your website has what people want.
Here’s how it works:

Consultation. Your account manager will meet with you to ensure we understand your business, your products and services, and your target market.

Website Analysis. We evaluate your site structure, page meta-data, content, keyword density, and other factors critical to SEO success.

Keyword Research. We assess the competitiveness of the keywords related to your business offerings and develop a cost-effective strategy to target search phrases that will bring business to your door.

Roadmap Creation. Your SEO team will meet and create a detailed roadmap outlining activities to be completed over the coming months.

Execution. We complete the tasks in the roadmap and work with you to get necessary changes to your site implemented.

MD’s SEO marketing team establishes website relevance and trustworthiness for businesses like yours every day. You should hear them debate the details of “no follow link analysis” and other esoteric SEO strategies. If you’re not using these geeks to get your website ranked, then you’re behind already.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Pay per click is the fastest way to bring ready-to-buy customers to your website. MD pays to place your ads high on the results pages of all the major search engines. PPC advertising is effective because it matches searchers who are looking for what you sell with pages on your website that are prepared to pitch your products or services. You could see dramatic results in as little as one week for a fraction of what it costs to place ads in traditional media like radio or television.
Here’s how it works:
·        MD develops a list of keywords representing the products or services you sell.
·        Our team writes targeted ads matching those keywords and uploads the ads, keyword lists, and bid prices to the major search engines.
·        Your ads appear in the sponsored links sections when a potential customer performs a search using those keywords.

·        Searchers click on your ads and are directed to the most relevant page of your website, where you can captivate them with a great offer and turn them into a paying customer.
Presto! Just like that, MD transforms your website into a powerful sales tool.
PPC has the best tracking capability of any form of marketing today. With our integrated reporting system, you can see information for all the major search engine PPC programs, track where your visitors are coming from, what they do once they get to your site, and which visits convert into actual sales. Of course, we turn around and do the most responsible thing we can with the data – make your pay per click campaign even more efficient.

PPC is a simple idea, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to execute. A successful campaign requires constant keyword management, keyword selection, ad placement and scheduling, bid management, and more. So leave the pay per click management to MD. We take the guesswork out of PPC so you can focus on what really matters—running your business. Whether you’re a local retailer or a national advertiser, we’ll create and implement a successful PPC campaign for your business. It won’t be long before the customers are knocking at your door.

Thank You!

We appreciate your interest in our expert search engine marketing services. Someone from OrangeSoda will contact you shortly!

Bottom of Form

Strategic Marketing & Planning
MD will sit with you to develop your marketing plan. In order to add value to your business we use a skill that we have fined tuned extremely well…this is the skill of listening. After we are certain we heard what you said, we go back to our lab and create a market plan that is sure to exceed your expectations. We don’t want you to waste your money with a project that doesn’t have the impact or results you expected.  We listen to your vision and put the power of our expertise into motion.  We learn about your business, do in-depth competitive analysis, research your target market and offer up a solution that is cost effective, on point and creative.

Mobile Site

Made for phones and computers

Completely hassle-free

Designed to drive customers

The mobile site is a custom-created website that features your business and is designed using proven landing page optimization techniques to help potential customers get the information and assurance they need to become actual customers. We handle everything so you can get back to running a successful business.
(MD’s Administrative Team)

Website Hosting
MD’s grid hosting is superior to shared hosting and provides more than 99.9% uptime uninterrupted service. All this means is that when your domain name is typed your website will load quickly without any issues.  

Facebook Content
Don’t have the time to manage your business/organization’s Facebook site? MD will create and upload content to your Facebook page that will have visitors returning to see the new information that is uploaded.  Current content is king on the Internet.  If time does not allow you to create and upload current content, MD can handle this for you.
Having a blog on your site is very important in order for search engines like Google, Bing, etc. to find your website. MD offers a service where we will create this content for you and upload it to your site for visitors to read. We will interview you for a specific topic and then turn that interview into a full blog that will be added to your website.

Domain Name Registration
Once we find you a unique domain name, we manage the process of making sure that your domain name remains your property. Annually, we will renew each domain name that we register in your name.
A brand is a name used to identify and distinguish a specific product, service, or business. Brand is the image of the product, service or business in the market. Some people distinguish the psychological aspect of a brand from the experiential aspect. The experiential aspect consists of the sum of all points of contact with the brand and is known as the brand experience. The psychological aspect, sometimes referred to as the brand image, is a symbolic construct created within the minds of people and consists of all the information and expectations associated with a product or service.
Talk to MD about developing or improving your brand for your business or organization.

Website Analytics
Google Analytics is a powerful tool for analyzing traffic to your website. You can track site visitors, where they came from, how long they stay, what keywords they use to find your site and more.  Allow MD to interpret this report for you so that your website can be fine tuned to exceed all visitors expectations.

Twitter Content
Don’t have the time to manage your business/organization’s Twitter site? MD will create and upload content to your Twitter page that will have followers returning to see the new information that you posted.  Current content is king on the Internet.  If time does not allow you to create and upload current content, MD can handle this for you.

Banner Advertising
Banner advertising is effective but it must be done strategically and consistantly to obtain the desired  results. Let MD manage your ongoing banner advertising campaign and watch the customers walk in the door or conduct business with you online.

Communication Hub
Once we build you a communication hub we do not walk off into the sunset. We will be there to manage the hub for you. As new needs for your business/organization develop, we will find ways of addressing those needs by tweaking your communication hub.

Private Social Network Site
MD will play an active role in any Private Social Network it creates. We want your users to be blown away by the functionality of the site. We aim high when it comes to making sure user experience exceeds their expectations.

Company Email Address
As new staff is added or in the case of staff turnover, MD will manage your company/organization’s email system. We will create new email addresses for new staff and reassign email addresses of staff members that are no longer part of your team.

Performance Review Meetings
MD is interested in the success of your business or organization. One aspect of our service that is quite unique is that we schedule a monthly, by-monthly or quaterly video conference with our clients to review our progress, fine tune the objectives, investigate answers to the new questions about your business or organization that have delveloped since our last meeting. The best way to measure ROI (Return on Investment) is to take a close look at what the objective was and then measure if we met it.  MD always aims to exceed all our clients’ expectations.

Writen by: Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Founder & President
Marketplace Dynamics, LLC

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sign of the Times

Early Sunday mornings I go for a 1 hour power walk/jog by myself. It's a physical workout as well as a mental one. As I walk/jog my mind races to catch up with pending thoughts and ideas I've been entertaining. This is a refreshing/rebooting time for me.

Last Sunday I made an observation that affects every business owner/entrepreneur. As I was jogging in my neighborhood, a newspaper delivery van approached and I observed the driver toss out the Sunday newspaper on one of my neighbor’s driveway; we both waved as we passed each other. As soon as I passed him, my mind wrapped itself around what I was observing. As I jogged passed the next 30 homes that had been visited by the newspaper delivery van, I observed that only 3 of the 30 homes had the newspaper sitting on their driveway. My mind immediately calculated that this represented the fact that only 10% of the 30 homes still felt the need to receive their news in print form. This small observation highlights the fact that digital media has eroded the lion’s share of the print media market.

Between my use of Twitter, Facebook, Google, Google+, Smartphone, email, bot-searches, etc., I get the news delivered to my various digital devices all day long in real time. A newspaper to me now only represents the news up to the time the newspaper was printed. In other words, OLD NEWS. Who has time to read old news unless it’s for entertainment value? This is the reason why so many newspaper companies have gone out of business and many others face the same fate. They face this fate because they have refused to embrace and adopt "model changing" technologically driven advancements. They feel that the internet is a fad and that it will eventually go away; I totally disagree with them. If you just look at Facebook, with over 750 million users, it justifies "new media" and serves up a death sentence to "old media." No matter what business you are in, you cannot ignore (without experiencing severe consequences) that the internet has destroyed the old model and you have to become versed in the new model if your business is to remain a "going concern."  It’s a very simple choice; adopt and survive & thrive, fail to adopt and die a slow death!  

Written by Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Founder & President of Marketplace Dynamics, LLC (A new media firm)
Member: Internet Marketing Association (IMA), eMarketing Association (eMA).


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stay The Course Entrepreneurs

Progress is achieved in stages...stay true to your mission & passion. Being an entrepreneur is a very difficult undertaking. There are days when even the stars line up and dance to the music you are creating and directing. However, there are many days when you question whether you should throw the towel in, brush off the resume and re-join the ranks as an employee of someone else’s entrepreneurial experience.

Let me be perfectly candid, I have spoken to several entrepreneurs, during my 28 years of entrepreneurial experience, and been told that some have had to put the brakes on their business and seek employment (whether part-time or full-time) in order to generate enough cash to pay their bills. The one common thread I've heard from each of these entrepreneurs is that once they caught up on their bills, the question was not "if" they would resurrect their business, instead it was "when" would they resurrect their business.
The conversation of whether one is born or taught to be an entrepreneur continues to this day with compelling arguments on both sides of the conversation. One thing I'm certain of, once you put on the entrepreneurial "superman/superwoman suit" there is a constant passion and drive that refuses to allow you to pursue non-entrepreneurial engagements long term.

I started this conversation by saying, progress is achieved in stages...stay true to your mission & passion. When you feel the pressure (and you will) of letting "yourself" down, pull out your business plan and check off the all the progress you've made over time. This exercise will allow you to stay true to your mission and passion.

Written by: Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Founder & President
Marketplace Dynamics, LLC